Thursday, February 26, 2015

1) What percentage of water has the Aral Sea lost?

2) Why has this water been lost?
mainly because of very large scale irrigation of cotton fields and other agricultural related stuff

3) What other environmental problems affect the area?
the pesticides, fertilizers, and salts that are left behind by the evaporating sea results in winds picking up those sediments and blowing them into other areas. this results in a spike in diseases such of hepatitis and lounge disease.

4) What would have to be done to keep the lake at its present level?
9million of the 18 million acres of agriculturally used land would have to be expediently discontinued.

5) What did you learn about Lake Biakal from the video?
-1/5th of the worlds fresh water
-a large cellulose industry next to the lake is resulting in pollution
-the cities surrounding need the industry for their economy
-if the industry was closed right now, it would take 400 years for the chemicals to leave the lake

6) In the city of Verkhoyansk what extreme temperatures have been recorded?
some of the most scientifically important temperatures ranging 180 degrees from -90F to 94F

7) How did Russia's harsh winter help the country in the 1800s (and during WWII)?
napoleon Bonaparte men weren't able to withstand the harsh environment and fled

8) What made the building of the Trans-Siberian Railroad an enormous undertaking?
- the distance covered was more than 5,700 square miles
       a)the tracks had to pass 7 time ones
-between 1891 and 1903, 70,000 workers moved 77million cubic feet of earth
       a) cleared more than 1000,000 acres of forest
        c) and built bridges over several major rivers

9) Research and find a major city in Siberia.  What is its population and major attractions?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

1) List three important cities that are located in the Northern European Plain.
-St Peters

2) What percentage of the region's population lives in this plain?

3) What border do the Caucasus Mountains form?
Central ASia

4) What are the two largest lakes in Central Asia?
Yenisey and the Lena

5) How long is the Volga River?
2,294 miles

6) Why is Lake Baikal important?
its the deepest lake in the world, holds 20% of the worlds fresh water, and it is remarkably clean

7) What are some of the resources that have been developed in Russia and the Republics?
petroleum deposits around the caspien sea are some of the worlds largest

8) Why might extracting and transporting the region's resources be difficult?
harsh climate, rugged terrain, and long distance


I) the shrinking Aral Sea
-lost 80% of its water
-Central Asian Leaders are facing one of "the earths largest environmental tragedies"

A) A Disappearing Lake
-the aral sea recieves most of its water from the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya
-before the mid 60's, those lakes delivered 13 cubic miles of water every year
-in the 50's, officials began taking water from these rivers to irrigate cotton fields
-Kara Kum canal is 850 miles long
           a) large irrigation canals like so much water from the rivers that the Aral slowed greatly
-the sea began to evaporate

B)Effects of Agriculture
-runoff picks up pesticides and fertilizers from cotton fields
       a)these chemicles ended up in the river with devistating effects
-all of the 24 native fish of the Aral are dead.
-retreating waters of the Aral exposed Fertilizers, Salts, and Pesticides
           a)wind storms picked up these sediments are deposited them in nearby areas.
            b) this resulted in a sharp rise of disease such as throat cancer and other respiratory diseases.
             c) Dysentery, typhoid, and hepititus are also more apperant
-child mortality rates in asia are of the upmost in the world

C) Saving the Aral
-in order to keep the sea in the condition it is, 9 of the 18 million acres of agriculture need to be destinguished
       a)farmers depeding on agriculture would develope hardships if that were to happen
- many argue that only drastic measures can save the Aral

II) The Russian Winter
-though far from asia, siberia is also familiar with hardship.

A)Coping in Siberia
-population of over 32 million people
-winter is harsh
-the most scientifically valuable temperatures recorded came from Siberia
         a) temperature ranges from -90F in the winter and 94F in the summer (city of Verkhoyansk)
          b) thats a span of 180 degrees
          C) temperatures drop so low that basic human activity is painful
-melting snow in the summer results in pools of water liable for masquito and black fly reproduction
-swamps formed from northward rivers and spring rains run into still frozen water further north
         a)this results in black clouds of pesty insects
-the climate affects construction in siberia
        a)permafrost makes the ground iron-hard
         b)heated buildings thaw permafrost
        c)thawing ground results in buildings sinking, tilting, and eventual toppling
           d) to resolve this, builders construct homes a few feet off the ground sitting on concrete pillars

B) War and "General Winter"
-russias climate has both pros and cons for inhabitants
      a)when Nepoleon Bonapart attempted to invade russia, the people of moscow burned their shelter down and the winter took care of their threat
      b) he lost around 10,000 troops

III) Crossing the "Wild East"
-at the end of the 19th centruy, siberia was like americas wild west
travle was dangerous and slow
-due to that, Russias empire started the Trans-Siberian-Railway
      a)this eventually linked Moscow and the pacific port of Vladivostok

A) an Enormous Project
- the distance covered was more than 5,700 square miles
       a)the tracks had to pass 7 time ones
-between 1891 and 1903, 70,000 workers moved 77million cubic feet of earth
       a) cleared more than 1000,000 acres of forest
        c) and built bridges over several major rivers

B) Resource Wealth in Siberia
-the massive project wasnt just to speed up travel
      a)another goal was to populate siberia due to its abundant resources
-tens years after completion in 1904, nearly 5 million settlers had taken the railway from European Russia to settle in Siberia
       b)they were mostly peasents and farmers
-resources such as oil and iron ore were consumed drastically
-the railroad went on to aiding political and economical developement of russia.

the Aral sea is dying out due to irrigation, pollution, and evaporation. pollution has greatly increased diseases, and the only way to keep the sea in the state it is now is by discontinueing 9 million acres of argriculture, which would cripple farmers.

the russian winter is severe and harsh reaching lows of -90F and this challenges inhabitants.
swamps over frozen water results in black clouds of pests, and the harsh winters kill of those unprepared to face it. a railroad ranging 5,700 miles from moscow to Vladivostok resulted in settlement of siberia. the railway was built to improve travel and to use siberias abundant natural resources of coal and irone ore.


Chapter 15 Landforms and Resources

I. Northern Landforms
-over eight and a half million square miles
-four different areas,
      -Northeern Europeon Plain
      -west siberian plain
       -central siberian platue
       - russian far east

A)Northern European Plain
-exstensive lowland area
-stretches over 1,000 miles
-abundance of chernozem (one of the worlds most fertile soils)
-many agriculture areas are located on this plain
-+75% of the regions 283 million people live on this plain
-three of the regions largest cities are located there
          -russias capital; st petersburg
         -kiev, Ukraine capitol
B) West Siberian Plain
- ural mountains seperate the northern European plains from the West siberian plains
-ural mountains are like a deviding line between europe and asia
-west siberian plain lies between the Yenisey and Lena River
-east of the Lena is the russian far east and its volcanic ranges
-Kamchatka peninsula contains 120 volcanoes, 20 of them are still active.
- sakhalin and kuril islands lie south of the kamchtka peninsula
-russia siezed those islands after world war II

II) Southern Landforms
-towering mountains
-barren uplands
-semiarid grasslands

A)Caucasus and other mountains
-Causcus mountains stretch across the land that seperates the Black and Caspien seas
-the mountians form a border between Russia and Transcaucasia (a region that consists of the republics, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia)
-a colossal wall of mountains that includes the Tian Shan are farther east.
-some of these mountains are located along the southeastern border of Central Asia (includes republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and uzbekistan)
-Central Asia has an arid climate
-B) Turan Plain
-exstensive lowland
-between caspien sea and mountains&uplands of central asia
-two major rivers, Syr Darya and Amu Darya
-ironically it is very dry
-Large deserts Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum

III) Rivers and Lakes
-some of the worlds longest rivers
-some of the largest and deepest lakes in the world

A)Drainage and rivers
-the regions rivers flow through a number of large drainage basins
-main drainage basins :
       -arctic ocean
         -caspian sea, pacific ocean, baltic sea, black sea, aral sea
-the arctic basin is the regions largest
-basins three powerful rivers:
             -the Obe
-these rivers deliver water to the arctic at 1,750,000

in russia there are four distinct areas that consist of plains, platues, and the far east.
russiaa most desnsely populated area is the northern european plain, due to its soil being some of the richest dirt on earth. major rivers and mountain ranges are aparent in the west siberian plain.
some of the worlds longest rivers and deepest lakes are located in russia, along with a number of large drainage basins.

Monday, February 9, 2015

(Pages 326-327)
-unification of Europe was an idea that people hoped would rebuild the nations economies which were shattered after world war II and to prevent new conflicts from taking place.

I) Steps Towards Unity

1) the first step was an industrial alliance
    a) France, West Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries signed a treaty that gave control of their coal and steel resources to the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
2) this was put in act because their resources were so tight that if they fought over them again, their economies would suffer greatly.
3) plus, no countries could secretly prepare for war because everyone knew what each other was manufacturing.
4) the ECSC would also set a tone of peace and cooperation that would require Europe to get along while dealing with resources in hopes the countries would fallow.
5) the next step was the European Economic Community (EEC)
    a) also called "the Common Market"
    b) this alliance removed trade barriers, set common economic goals, and allowed people to live/work in any member country.
6) The ECSC and the EEC combined into the European Community (EC) in 1967
7) in 73 the EC began admitting other European Nations.
8) in 93 the Maastricht Treaty took effect and the EC was changed to the European Union (EU)
9) by 2007 the EU included 27 member nations.

II) /issues Facing the EU Today

A)Growing Pains

1) Most of the nations that joined the EU during 2004-2007 were less prosperous than Western Europe due to their communistic past.
2) those difference could create frictions between EU members
     a) if turkey joins the EU there could be conflict due to the EU being mostly Christian and Turkey being muslim, Turkey has a record of human rights abuse and conflicts with Greece.

B) Economics and Politics

1) the Maastricht Treaty set the goal to replace national currencies with a single currency
     a) this would promote easier trade throughout UE members and further Unify.
2) 12 countries began to use the Euro for all transactions
     a) Denmark and the United Kingdom chose not to.
3) states had to be qualified for the euro
4) countries worried about how this would effect economic factors, like countries setting their own interest rates
5) the EU grew and people realized the old constitution was relevant for more than 20 nations.
     a) work on a new constitution began in 2002
6) changes created fear of the EU becoming a "Super Nation" and replace other nations
7) France and the Netherlands refused the constitution in 2005
    a) all nations had to accept the constitution for it to go into action
8) the Lisbon treaty contained many changes proposed for the constitution

Friday, February 6, 2015

Chapter 14 , 'Todays Issues' (318)

I) Roots of the Balkan Conflict

A) Foreign Rulers
1) Muslim Ottoman Empire tried to conquer the Balkan peninsula in the 1300's
2) The Ottomans defeated the Serbian empire at the battle of Kosovo Polje
3) Ottomans ruled Bosnia and Herzegovina
4) Austria ruled Slovenia and Hungary ruled Croatia
5) Under Muslim rule, the serbs clung to Christianity
6) Bosnians reverted to Islam
7) the region became more Albanian because many of the serbs fled from Kosovo due to the Muslims seizing power.

B)Yugoslavia is Formed
1) Serbia Broke free of the Ottoman empire in 1878
2) many serbs wanted to united the nation and free the slavs under foreign rule.
3) that desire helped to spark World War 1
4) the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was formed in 1918
5) it was renamed "Yugoslavia" by their king in 1929 to help end ethnic devisions.

C) Communist Rule
1) Yugoslavia was invaded during World War II by Germany and Italy.
2) many Croats cooperated with the Nazis and the Croat leader ordered the massacre of the Jews and serbs.
3) Chetniks and Partisans were two groups fighting the Nazis.
4) after the war, Josip Broz Tito became the dictator of Yugoslavia.
5) a new constitution in 1946 organized Yugoslavia into a nation of the six republics listed:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina

II)Ethnic Tension Boils Over
A) Fear of Serbia
1) Slobodan Miloševíc wanted serbia to expand, which alarmed croats and bosnians.
2) serbia blocked a croat from becoming president in 1991
3) Slovenia and croatia declared their independence as a result.
4) in june 1991 Serbian-led Yugoslavian solders invaded both republics
5) Croatia had a large minority of Serbs and the tension resulted in all out war.
6) thousands of lives were lost before the united nations arranged a cease-fire in January 1992
7) both slovenia and croatia remained free.

B)War in Bosnia
1) Bosnia and Herzeggovina declared indepedance in 1992
2) Bosnias Muslims and Croats supported the movement, but its serbs and serbia started a war to stop it.
3) the serbs used murder and violence to rid of Bosnias Muslims and Croats.
4) Their tactics of Trying to eliminate an ethnic group through violence is known as "ethnic cleansing".
5) more than 200,000 people were killed and over two million people fled their homes.
6) in 1995 the United States sponsored peace negotiations.
7) a peace treaty was signed in december 1995 that gave Bosnians independence.

C) War in Kosovo
1) Serbia saw Kosovo as a sacred part of their heritage and regained control of the provinces in 1912.
2) by the 90's kosovos inhabitants were mostly Muslim Albanians who spoke non-slavic languages.
3) the Serbian leader Miloševíc tried to assert control by ethnic cleansing.
4) in response, Kosovo demanded independence.
5) in the 90's the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), began to attack serbian officials.
6) The Serbian Government bombed kosovo villages and began another campaign of ethnic cleansing.
7) in march 1999 NATO started bombing serbia to get them to stop with the violence.
8) serbian troops withdrew from kosovo in june.
9) international officials found evidence of the serbs torturing and massacring Kosovars
10) Milošovíc died in prisn in 2006.

D) An uncertain Future
1) in 2000 the Yugoslav people elected reform leader Voijislav Kostunica as president.
2) decades of war created widespread poverty and millions of refugees
3) Kosovars and Montenegreo wanted independence from serbia
4) in 2003 a short lived country called Serbia and Macedonia was formed
5) 3 years later Montenegro gained its independence
6) in 2007 the UN created a plan to allow Kosovo self rule, but still be within Serbia
7) Kosovo gained indépendance in 2008, but serbia refuses to recognize them as a real country.

the serbs didn't like being under control of the ottomans, so they gained their independence through war. serbia wanted to unite everyone under a single nation, but once they got what they wanted they began ethnic cleansing and began acting like dictators. everyone got real tired of serbias shit, so bosnia, kosovo, and Croatia fought a lot until they won their independence and serbia refuses to recognize some of them as real countries.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chapter 13 Questions (316)

A. Briefly explain the following

1) city state - a sovereign state that consists of a city and its dependent territories.

2) republic -a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule in their name.

3) Benelux - countries of,
- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Luxembourg

4) nationalism - belief that people should be loyal to their nation, the people with whom they share land, culture, and history.

5) Berlin Wall - a wall that decided Germany into two halfs, located in eastern Germany.

6) Nordic countries,
- Denmark

7) euro -  a common European Nations currency

8) cultural crossroads - a place where various cultures cross paths. (310)

9) balkanization - the process of a region breaking up into small, mutually hostile units. (311)

10) satellite nation - nations dominated by another country (312)

B.) Answer questions about vocab

-Nordic countries
- Benelux

12) i would think so considering the ideology behind the euro is to further unite the European nations by having common currency, which promotes trade between states.

-Berlin Wall
- Cultural Crossroads
- Balkanization
- Satellite Nations

14) Eastern Europe.

15) Different ethnicity's crossed paths due to migration that passed through the geographical features of eastern Europe.

A - the Roman Empire was a Republic
 B - Greece was split up into City-States

- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Luxembourg

18) The Balkan countries fought over who would take control of the territory previously conquered ottoman territory.

City-State - Texas seems to identify itself as america due to their patriotic pride, even though it is only a state
republic - we have both democratic and republican parties in our government.
Cultural Crossroads - america is pretty diverse

20) Sweden and Norway

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I) a history of seafaring conquerors

1) history in this region strongly consists of using the sea and conquering

A) early conquerors
   1) lots of migration have pushed residents who lived in northern europe to live on the tip.
  2)ancient britain was invaded by many people, including the celts.
3) rome conquered ancient britain by about 80AD
4)in 795 a group of seafaring wariors from denmark, norway, and sweden terrorized europe.
5) totally sick vikings sailed around and scored hit and run raids.
6) the vikings conquered parts of britain nd sailed to iceland, greenland, and north america.
7) they moved to normandy and russia.
8) william the conqueror of normamdy conquested england.

B) dreams of empire

1) Denmark, Sweden, and Norway all became kingdoms in the 900.s.
2)no nordic country ever became a major empire.
3)Britain strengthened with geographical features.
4)after 1066 no outsiders conquered Britain.
5) Britain built a global empire by having strong sailors.
6) english language and british culture spread worldwide.

II) Moving into the Modern age.

A) representative gov.
1) Britain's government is a monarchy that also has a parliament.
2) a parliament is a representative lawmaking body who's members are elected or appointed.
3) ideas of the magna Carta spread to the united states and Canada.
4) Iceland parliament is the oldest in the world, still meeting since 930.

B) industrial revolution

1) deposits of iron ore and coal led to Britain being the first nation to industrialize.
2) in the 1800s industrial revolution spread to belgium, france, germany, and the us
3)of the nordic colonys, sweden developed the most.

C) since 1900

1) after world war 2, the british went under major change since nearly all of its colonies went independent.

D)the irish question

1) protestant rulers stole land from the irish and gave it to the scotish
2) over a million irish fled to other lands.
3)Britain divided Ireland into two states in 1921

III) economics: diversity and change

A) industry and resources
1) Sweden and the uk have many types of manufacturing and traditional economics in common.
2) northern Europe's economy benefits from its natural resources.

1) production of computer software and hardware has been a major part of irelands economy since the 70's
2) Glasgow and edinburg became known as silicon glen

C) union or independence?
1) most nations joined the EU, but Norway did not because they did not want to adopt the euro since they had an independent economy

IIII) Cultual similarities and modern art
A) similar languages and religions

1) most of northern europe speak a germanic language.
2)today, that sami language is spoken in the far north
3) the reformation began in germany in the 1500's and swept through northern europe.
4)most of the region is still protestant.

B) modern culture and literature

1) great britain and ireland have had their strongest artistic influence  on world literature.
2) william wordsworth popularized the use of everyday speech in poetry

IIIII) Life in Northern Europe

A) social welfare
1) northern European gov. takes responsibility for their people welfare.
2) finand, norway, and sweden give families a year round allowence
3)the nordics help fund national health

Monday, February 2, 2015

1) Where did the industrial Revolution begin and to where did it spread?
a: it began in Britain due to the abundance of iron ore and coal. it spread to other ares around Europe like Germany, and the united states.

2) What are some characteristics of governments in Northern Europe?
a: Britain has a monarchy with a parliament.
Iceland's parliament is the oldest in the world, they've been meeting since 900 ad.

3) How did conquest influence the languages spoken in Northern Europe?
a: early conquerors spread their languages and religions which has an effect on whats spoken today. 

4) How did the industrial Revolution spur the growth of the British Empire?
a: it led to Britain's navy becoming stronger. their stronger navy allowed them to build ship ports around Europe, spreading their british culture, colonizing, and promoting trade.

5) How did the Reformation affect Northern Europe
a: the churches had a dramatic breakup, christianity and Catholicism going their own separate ways, but they also bickered a lot and killed each-other.

6) Who are some important writers from Northern Europe?
a: Fransesco Petrarca 
    Giovanni Boccaccio 

7) What Northern European country did not join the EU?  Why?
a: Denmark, they wanted to keep their currency.

8) What was the Magna Carta?  Why is it important?
a: the magna carter was a document which gave people of higher class power.

9) What are the countries of Northern Europe? 
a: Iceland, the Faroe islands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the british isles.