Tuesday, March 31, 2015

) What were some early civilizations in East Africa?  Why were these civilizations important?
-the masai and the kikuyu
they are the two largest

2) What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
Eu leaders sat down and decided how they were going to steal africas land

3) What African countries managed to remain free of European control?
Ethiopia and Liberia

4) How did colonialism cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
British rule hadent prepared Africans for freedom

5) How did Ethiopia manage to defeat Italy in 1896?

6) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
Coffee and sugar

7) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem.
Aids and hiv

8) Research the Rwanda massacre (genocide?) and briefly discuss what happened and why.

War between the hutu and the tutsi. Hutu went about slaughtering and raping all titsu after one of their planes were shot down.

Revise each of the following sentences for parallel structure.

    The best music is loud, fun, and you can dance to it.
    Tomorrow afternoon I will shop for groceries, eat lunch with my brother, and be running all sorts of errands.
    That book we read for class was really long, wordy, and didn’t make any sense.

First what is parallel structure (review):

1.) The best music is loud, fun, and groovy.
2.) Tomorrow afternoon I will shop for groceries, eat lunch with my brother, and run all sorts of errands.
3.)the book we read for class didn't make any sense; it was really long and very wordy. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Collective Subconscious

The collective subconscious is, theoretically, an invisible energy source much like electricity or electromagnetic waves. Jesus called it “the holy spirit”, Lucas Arts called it the force, it could be responsible for the drive that caused uncivilized humans all over the world to begin developing languages and communication at around the same time. Like dark matter, we can’t see the Collective Subconscious with our eyes, nor do we have the scientific equipment to detect it; but we can see the effects it’s had on civilizations for thousands of years.

A thriving city like Rome wasn’t built in a day, and their people didn’t just happen to all be so ahead of their time that they were able to revolutionize religion, government, philosophy and everything else they achieved. Benjamin Franklin and Nikola Tesla had the same potential any one else in their era had, so why them? Drive, intuition, motivation, whatever you call it, it all comes back to inspiration and the Collective Subconscious, and it does not discriminate. The more in tune you are with the ideas of connection and the spiritual mind, the higher the chance you’ll get that inspiration and drive to follow through with the potential to do almost anything, including revolutionizing the world and how we perceive all we see.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

theres this idea, where the connections we share between one another; as well as with the environment come together without us even being aware that its happening. this idea is as vast as the galaxies and has the potential to drive us towards mutual connections and thoughts subconsciously, as if we were having a conversation between from one brain to another with no words, or any kind of interaction at all.
this idea is known as, "the Collective Subconscious"

Friday, March 13, 2015

Chapter 18 Section 2

Climate and vegetation

I) A Warm Continent
Africa almost completely lies between the tropic of cancer and the tropic od capricorn

A)The Deserts
-Kalahari and Namib
-Sahara lies in north africa and is the largest in the world
     a)3,000x12000 miles
-temperatures rise above 130 degrees in the summer
-in winter temperatures fall below freezing
-  20% of the Sahara consist of sand
-travel is risky because of extrme conditions
-6000 feet under dry land lies aquifers
-an oasis is an aquifer that's breached the sand 

B)The Tropics
-africa has the largest tropical area of any continant
-a town in ethiopia holds the record for highest average annual temperature of 93.9 degrees f
-night and day difference tend to be larger than seasional differences

II)Sunshine and Rainfall
pg. 421

-rainfall is matter of extremeity

A)Rainfall Patterns
-rain forests in central africa recieve the most rainfall
-africas tropical ssavanna stretches through the middle of the continant
-the closer an area is to the equator, the more rain it receives
-the closer an area is to the desert, the longer its dry season

B) Africas Moderate areas
-mediterranean climate exists on the northern and southern tips of the continant

III) A Grassy Continant

-africas vegetation almost mirrors its climate

A)TRopical Grasslands
-Grassland covers most of the continant
-Serengeti plain in northen tanzania
-some of the grass can grow taller than the average human
-abundance of grass makes serengetti ideal for grazing animals

IV)Africas Extremes

A)Rain Forests
-Major rainforest in africa sits on the congo basin
-600+ trees are found there
-home to hundreds of bird species
-massive plants and trees block out the sunlught
-the air underneath the vegation is hot and moist
-vegatation decays quickly
-most animals live in the canopy
-the canopy refers to the uppermost layer of branches
-large numbers of snakes, birds, and foxes live here
-Slash and burn agriculture is killing the forest

VI) Varieties of Plantlife
-North africa contains sizable oak
-Mangrove trees of west africa
-they help build up dry land by hoding silt

Africa has many diverse vegatation and a warm climate. there are large desserts and tropical forests, as well as thousands of different species that live there 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Africa Assessment questions

1, Places and terms
-basis are found around the Plateau
-east africa
-southern Africa

2, Taking notes
Africa has very distinctive landforms that vary from the volcanic mountains of Kilimanjaro to the rift vally and tropical rainforests.

africa has plentiful resources of oil and minerals
including gold and plutonium

a - because a large plateau covers most of Africa
b - mountains, rift valley, fresh water lakes, tropical rainforests
c - because Africas people lack the industrial growth to prosper 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CHapter 18 Section 1
I) a Vast Plateau  pg.415
-africas shape is a result of Pangea

A) Africa's Plataea
-a huge plateau  
-most of the plateau lies at least 1,000 above sea level
-africa is the worlds second largest continant
-the platue is its most prominant feature

B)Basins and Rivers
-several basins are found throughout this plataeu
-each basin spans more than 625x5000
-WAter collects in the chad basin and flows through the sudan, congo, and djouf basins
-the worlds largest river, the Nile, is located in egypt
-water has provided irrigation for thousands of years
-95+% of egyptions rely geavily on the river
-its pop densisty is roughly 3,320 people per square mile
-africas rivers contain many waterfalls, rivers, and gorges
-congo river is 2,900 miles long
-series of 32 caracts make some places impassible

II)Distinctive African Landforms pg.416
-Africas valleys and lakes add to the continents varied landscape

A)Rift Valleys and Lakes
-Most distinctive landforms are in east africa
-huge cracks appeared in the earth due to continental plates drifting apart
-the land sank to form "Rift Valleys"
-Rift Valleys stretch over 4,000 miles from Jordan to Southwest Asia
-lake Tanganyika is the longest freshwater lake in the world and stretches 420x4,7000
-africas largest lake is lake Victoria, which is the wolrds second longest freshwater lake, but is only 270 feet deep

-Mainly Volcaninc
-mount Kilimanjaro is africas highest mountain and is also volcanic
-volcanic activity created the Ethiopeon Highlands
-an Escarpment is a steep slope with a nearly flat plataeu on the top

III)Africas Wealth of Resources pg.417
-africas resources are both stories of scarce and plenty
africa has a huge amount of resources, but the people lack the industrial base and money to develope them

a)A wealth of minerals
-one of the worlds richest continents in terms of sourcess
-large amounts of plutonium, gold, chromium, cobalt, copper, phosphates, diamonds, etc
-south africa is th ewolrds largest source of chrommium
-south africa produces nearly 80% of the worlds platonium
-30% of the worlds gold reserves
-produce about 50% of the worlds cobalt, mostly in the congo
-ores and minerals acount for over half of africas exports
-however, this has not granted economic prosparity for africas people

B)OIL Resources
-Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, and Angola are Africas leading pertroleum producers
-they combine to produce about a tenth of the worlds oil
-American oil componys pay Angola a fee for drilling rights and oil

IV)Diversity of Resources pg.418

A)Major Commodities
-coffee is the second most profitable commodotie in africa 
-lumber is another large Commodity
-every year loggers clear twice the size of new joursys worth of lumber

Africa is very large and has Diverse geogrophy, including the worlds largest fresh water lakes.
Africa has lots of Resources, but lack the means of developing them


Act 5 headlines for scenes 1-3
Scene 1 - Apothecaries' weight
Scene 2 - a series of unfortunate events
Scene 3 - natural born killers

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chapter 16 Section 3

Chapter 16
Section 3

I)A Historical Crossroads
-Central Asia consists of 5 independant republics

A) The Silk Road
-very popular trading route
goods include,
      a)gold, silver, ivory, jade, wine, spices, amber, linen, porcelain, grapes, perfumes ostriches, and acrobats
-cities built to take advantage of trade,
       a)Samarqand and Bukhoro

B)The Great Game
-great britain and russia struggled for control in the 19th century
-britain wanted to stop the russian advance before they could take over india
-officers in disguise went on journeys to win local leaders
      a) a british officer, Arthur Conolly who was exicuted in Bukhoro called the struggle the "Great Game
-Russian empire won control at the end of the 19th century
-SU took control in 1920's and kept it until 1991
-central asia republics have been independant since

II)An Uncertain Economic Future pg.377
-Soviet Union caused lots of problems

A)Nuclear Testing
-between 1949 and 1989, scientists exploded 470 nuclear devices in the polygon
     a) the polygon is a vast nuclear test site southwest of semey
-citizens could see mushrooms clouds from above-ground explosives, while underground explosives caused walls 50 miles away to crack
-testing caused wide-spread health problems
-winds spread nuclear fallout over a 180,000-square-mile are
-millions of people were exposed to dangerous amounts of radiation
-though testing ended 1989, harmful effects will continue for years to come

B) pertoleum and Prosperity
-hopeful potential for oil to bring wealth to central asia
-oil reserves in the caspian sea are promising
-oil fields recently discovered in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
-oil fields belive to be the "new great game"
-in order for resources to benefit the people, there needs to be stable political and legal institution
-central Asias geography will make tha difficult

III)Cultures Divided and Conquered
-asia has a large variety of ethnic groups
-largest ethnic group is Uzbek at 41%

B)Language and Religion
-Muslim is one of the strongest religions
-most central asians speak lamguages related to Turkish
-many people speak russian, which was once the regions official language

IV) The Survival Of Tradition pg.378
-many of the regions traditions have survived through SU upheaval

A)Nomadic Heritage
-expansive grasslands of central Asia are ideal for Nomads
-nomads decreased drastically under Soviet Rule due to collective farms

-tents of the nomads, they are deemed their most valuable possessions
-they are light and portable
-usually consist of several layers felt stretched around a wooden frame often made of willow
-outermost layer is felt coated with waterproof sheep fat
-insides of Yurts can be quite beautiful
-Yurts conatin hand-woven carpets

C)Preserving Traditions
-Nomadic lifestyle is not as widespread as it once was
-an imaginative and productive use of tradition would be how the Nomadic people allow tourists to experice the way they live, which grants them money.

the Silkroad in Central Asia allowed for lots of trade and ethnic mixing.
Central Asia is made p of 5 independent republics, which are trying to figure out how the plentiful oil resources of the Caspian sea are going to be shared. Nuclear Testing messed a bunch of stuff up and now there are lots of diseases and mutations.
though the Soviet Rule tried to strip the people of their heritage, nomads are still out there doin' their nomad stuff and have found ways to benefit from their culture. 


Chapter 16 Section 2

I) A Gateway Of Migration pg.370
-Transcaucasia is a long used migration route that connects Europe and Asia,
      a)Trade routes near the black sea regions od Mediterranean Europ,
     b)and routes leading far east began on the shores of the caspian sea

A) a variety of cultures
-many trade routes made Transcaucasia multi-cultural
-more than 50 peoples live in the region
-Migrants brought variety of language
-regions most common languages are:
     1, Indo-Europeon
      2, Caucasian
    3, and Altaic

B) Migration Brings Religions
-many religions are present, but mostly Christian and Islamic Dominate
-thse erigions began at an early date since they were close to where they began

C) Conflict
-diverse population hasnt always harmonized
-Conflict broke out under Soviet Rule
-civil wars broke out between Georgia, Armenia fought with Azerbaijan

II) A History of Outside Control pg. 371
-Transcaucasia has been a place where rival borders came together

a)Czarist andSoviet Rule
-Russia invaded Transcaucasia
-1723, Peters Generals had taken control of of Baku, capitol of Azerbaijan
-by the late 1870's, russia had added Transcaucasia to their territory
-at the fall of the czar, Transcaucasia was free, but the red army soon took over
-Transcaucasia experienced the same threshold the Soviet Union put on their own people

III) Economic Potential pg.372
-Transcaucasia currently has Tourism, Wine industry, and large-scale oil production

A)Agriculture and Industry
-each repubilc of Transcaucasia has significant agricultural output
-Humid subtropicals and Lowland Foothills are ideal for tea and fruits
-Grapes are very important, they are used in wines
-today the oil industry is most important

B)Land of Flames
-Azerbaijan translates to "Land of Flames
-name was chosen due to fire that "magically" eurupted from land and the caspien sea
-the fires were results of underground oil and gas deosits

C)Dividing the Casie Sea
-arguments of wether or not the Caspien Sea was an Inland sea or a Lake
-Resolution of this arguements will dictate hw recources are divided among the 5 countries
-if its a sea, each country has legal rights to the recources on its own part of land
-if its a lake, it all must be shared equally
-Azerbaijan says its an inland sea
-Russia says its a lake
Oil industry has given better lives, but revenue has benifited few Transcaucasians, many still live in poverty

IV)Modern Life in Transcaucasia pg.373
-though times are tough, the region has much to offer

a)An Educated People
-SU education has largely inpacted its people in a positive way
-during the russian revolution, only a handful of Transcaucasians were literate
-Commie Bastards decided to train a new generation of workers prepared to undertake tasks of industrial revolution

-  mealtime celebrations are very important to Transcaucasians
-Supra - a dinner party
-Georgians show respect for tradition, eloquence, and the value of bringing people together

Transcaucasia got a lot of action over a multitude of years. it opened up towards many trade routes and mixed lots of ethnicity a cultures. Russia took it over whilst under czarist rule.
Transcaucasia also represents large parts of the regions economy like wine industry, tourism and oil production. currently, the 5 regions are trying to decide what to classify the Caspian sea as so they know how to split resources legally. the Soviet Union made its people highly educated, and hospitality is important to Georgians because they believe it is the future of their nation.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I) a history of expansion (pg.361)
-russian espansion affected neighbors as well as the entire worlds political geography

A) birth of an empire
-russia began in the region between the Baltic and Black seas
-9nth century, Scandinavian Vikings came to take advantage of the trade between seas
-they established a settlement (what is now Kiev) near the Dnieper River
-as the vikings adopted slavic customs, the settlement began to expand
-expansion halted in the 13th century due to Tatars (Mongolian invaders)
-Mongolian warrior legacy is legendary
-Tatars sacked kiev, 1237-12240
-Mongols controlled region until 1500's
           a)Ivan the Great, Prince from Moscow ended their rule
-Russia continued to expand east
-by the end of 17th century russia had built an empire that extended to the pacific
-people and territory continued to be added to russia
          a)many people consisted of different ethnicity and culture

B)Russia lags behind wesern europe
-Russia's territorial growth was rapid, though its progress was less impressive
-science and technology lagged behind the rest of western europe
-Peter the Great, czar of russia from 1682-1725 tried to change that
-he reestablished Russia capitol as Saint Petersburg instead of Moscow, which was on the Baltic sea
-Baltic sea provided direct access to western europe by sea
-Peter made impressive strides towards modernizing Russia
-Russia industrialized around a century later than other Western European countries
-when it came around, industry led to harsh working condition
        a)low wages
         b) and other hardship
-these conditions contributed to the peoples anger towards the czars

C)The rise and fall of the soviet union
-russian civilian anger broke out into riot during WWI
-1917 Russians Revolt occurred, ending rule of czars
-Russian Communist party led by V. I. Lenin took control of the gov.
-the party took control of the Economic Decisions
-USSR was what the nation was deemed in 1922
       a)they ruled from their new capitol, Moscow
-Joseph Stalin took charge during WWII in 1939
-he led russias fight against the Nazis
-as the war dragged on, Russias relationship w/Allies worsened
-after the war, Stalin installed Pro-Soviet gov.s in eastern Europe countries his armies had liberate 
-U.S. feared this new russian expansion would cause communisim to sread acrossed the globe
by late 40's, tension resulted in the Cold War
-name was given due to no actual conflict breaking out
-rivalry continued into the 80's
-Mikhail Gorbachev began giving the soviet people more economic freedom
-this process led to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 91, as well as the end of the Cold War
-after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia was divided into 15 independent republics
-russia was the largest and had the most power of the 15
-today, russia has a popularly elected president.
its legislature  (Federal Assembly) is divided in-between two chambers, the Federation Council and the State Duma

II) Building a Command Economy pg.364
-Communists who overthrew the Czarist Russia in 1917 had strong ideas that drastically transformed economic geography in the region.

A)An Economic Dream
-Karl Marx, a german philosopher inspired communists
-Marx believed communism was doomed because it left money and the hands of few, and the hands of many in poverty
-he believed Communism would replace Capitolism
-"in a communism, citizens would own property together and would share wealth"

B)Harsh Reality
-society was moved towards communism
           a)adoption of Command Economy
             b)gov. took control of mojar sources of wealth
            c)gov. decided what products would be manufactured and grown as well as prices
-rapid industrialization was a goal
-enormous Collective Farms were built
-9/10 farms were collective by 1939
-Soviets had Firmly established their power on the countryside
-production increased, but sacrifice followed
-millions starved to death, partly due to Collective Farming
-survivors realized only a small number of individuals benefited fro the economic changes
-under Stalin, protesting was punished
-estimated 14million people died under Stalin's control
-since the fall in 1991, russian leaders aimed to reduce state Monopoly on economic power

III) a Rich Culture pg.365
though hard times were indured, czar couldnt crush culture and spirit

A)ethnicity and religion
-Russian expansion caused rich variety in ethnicity
-russia has the greatest ethnic diversity in the region
-largest group, russians, at 80%
-nearly 70 other ethnicity resides
-mostly Orthodox Christianity

B) artistic genius
-Church architecture are amongst the earliest achievments
-golden age of culture began when Russian and western Europe art mixed  
-18th and 19th century artisits: Aleksandr Pushkin and Feodor Dostoyevsky gave important portait of czarists
-Peter Tchaikovsky and Igor Stravinsky earned world wide attention
-artists who didn't create art that optimistically represented socialism were outlawed 
-artistic expression has strengthened since the fall of the SU

IV) Tradition and Change in Russian life
-since the fall of the SU, Russia has been influenced by western europe and other countries

A)a more open society
-regions have begun to enjoy more social and culture oppertunities
-Moscow and Saint Petersburg now resemble major citeis in the west
-though new influence has increased, native orginin is still strong
-Russias national drink actually is Vodka

B)Dachas and Banyas
-1/4 of russia population lives in rural areas
-30% own homes in the country for vacation and weekends
              a)these homes are called Dachas
               b) often small, plain houses with gardens for vegetables
-a Banya is a bathhouse where cleaning rituals with dry sauna, steam bath, and ice cold water take place

russia started out as a small mass of territory that built and built. once it got large enough, it was taken over by communism to get even more control. this harmed and isolated the russian community for a long time. once two World Wars, the Cold War, and the Soviet union was brought to a hault, russia began opening up and its people began to become influenced by surrounding areas, like eastern Europe.