Wednesday, May 13, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird chapter 30 summery

Boo came out! after the terrifying events which put Jem with a broken arm, Boo radly had been the one who came to their rescue. scout showed Boo around the house after doing her best to casually acknowledge Mr. Arthur with a "hey, Boo". Atticus thinks that Jem drove the knife into Mr. Ewells chest and begins discussing jems courtcase, but Mr Tate stops him. he says that Jem sure as hell didnt kill Mr. Ewell, and that folks would reward Boo for doing so. he also said that boo doesnt want that kind of attention, and it would be a sin to do so. they decide that Mr Ewell tripped and fell onto his knife. "let the dead burry the dead".

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